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Chakra Centers-The Horizontal Axis

Chakra Centers Part One – The Horizontal Axis

December 01, 20234 min read

Usually when I am explaining what I do, most people respond with, “I don’t know what any of that means.”  Terms like “chakra” or “reiki” are foreign and not used much, especially here in the Midwest.  So, what are chakras and how do they correspond to your overall wellbeing?

 Chakras are energy centers that form down the central axis of the body starting at the top of the head to the base of the spine.  Western culture focuses on seven energy centers:  The crown at the top of the head, the third eye which is located between the eyebrows, the throat, the heart center, the solar plexus which is found at the base of the rib cage, the sacral or naval center which is located at the belly button, and finally the root which is at the base of the spine.  There are additional energy centers or vortices throughout the body which I focus on during chakra clearings, as well, such as the soul star (above the crown), the earth star (below the root), shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles.  Chakras correspond to nerve bundles, major organs and endocrine glands, and areas of our physical body that impact our spiritual and emotional well-being. Each energy center is also represented by a color. 

Nature od Chakras

Each chakra also corresponds to a frequency.  These frequencies are found on the Solfeggio scale and are measured in Hertz (Hz).  Solfeggio frequencies are part of the olden six-tone scale believed to have incorporated sacred music and chants.  Moreover, these frequencies have a profound impact on the mitochondria, the powerhouses within our cells.  This is super important because we are exposed to many frequencies throughout our day that suppress consciousness through our music, wifi, cellular communication systems, etc.  Thus, recharging our systems with these frequencies at the end of each day is vital to our life force but also to our cells.  Another point of interest is that all the Solfeggio frequencies add up to 3, 6, or 9.  Let’s look at the frequency assigned to the crown chakra, 963 Hz.  You take the three-digit number (963) and add up the singular digits:  9+6+3 = 18.  Now you take that two- digit number (18) and add up the singular digits: 1+8 = 9.  Essentially, you keep adding up digits until you get a singular number.  This is an easy way to tell if the frequency is part of the Solfeggio scale.  Musical compilations using these frequencies can be found on YouTube for free and some even come with beautiful, positive affirmations. When you are balanced, you can see those applicable qualities in the diagram below.

Chakras and Corresponding Frequencies

Due to what we are eating, stress, things we are listening to, and a plethora of other conditions, our chakras can become out-of-balanced, stuck, or overactive.  These energy centers being stuck or overactive also attributes to illness and pain in the body.  Thus, getting these chakra centers balanced is a key component to healing not only the physical body, but the emotional and spiritual as well. Healing these energy centers are a complementary process to western medicine and typically decreases recovery time.

Maintaining these energy centers and keeping them in balance across the horizontal axis is something that needs to be at the forefront of your self-care routine. Notice, however, that all the chakras have a horizontal axis except the crown and the root.  The root extends toward the earth and the crown towards the sky.  Incorporating daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance items are key to the health of your energy system.  An example of daily maintenance is to eat/drink the colors of the rainbow by consuming fresh fruits and vegetables.  Check in with yourself and see if you neglect any of the colors in your diet.  You may be asking yourself what the throat chakra corresponds to; I like to associate fresh, clean water with the throat.  The more hydrated you are, the easier the energy flows.  A positive affirmation practice each morning and listening to Solfeggio frequencies throughout the day and evening are additional ways of daily care.  Monthly care can be maintained by scheduling a Reiki and/or chakra balancing session.  This monthly routine may need to be increased to a weekly regimen during turbulent times. 

 In part two of my three-part Chakra series, I will discuss the vertical axis of our energy system, how this flow is integral to your ascension, and answer the looming question, “Is energy healing against my religion?”



chakra balanceself-care

Heather Hovis

Heather Hovis is the Founder of Emerald Gnosis, LLC, and a Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master, Certified Breathwork Facilitator, and Oracle. The goal for her practice is to awaken the knowledge within you. Reminding you that when you reconnect to the Laws of the Universe and Nature, we begin to live in harmony. Heather is a Taurus who loves to travel all over the world learning about other cultures, to practice yoga (She taught yoga for nearly a decade), to connect with Mother Earth, to work in the garden, to read, to watch movies, and to cook. She is obsessed with animal totems and notices/studies the pure messages they deliver from Spirit every day. Angel and repeating numbers intrigue and guide her. One of her bucket list items is to visit all the earth’s chakra centers. So far, Heather has been inside the Great Pyramid in Egypt and plans to visit Lake Titicaca in Peru in June 2024.

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