Enjoy Our Blogs!
My greatest vision for Emerald Gnosis is to lift you up, especially our youth and Starseeds, so that you find your path to your life’s purpose. I start that process by awakening the knowledge already within your soul. Reminding you that when you reconnect to the Laws of the Universe and Nature, we begin to live in harmony. Here is a channeled inspiration speech to you that came to me while I was in Sedona, AZ, at my breathwork facilitator certification workshop.
“You are the Earth’s future! Thus, it is important to teach you that you are sacred now. Not when you have been “successful” by someone else’s definition of that word or society’s standards.
Love is the answer. Love yourself first! Be in love with you, so you can fulfill your purpose by having the strength to be your unique self, to know what you bring to the world, and to send love to others. Perspective!
Beauty…see the beauty in everyone, everything, and most importantly in yourself. Look into the mirror and see how beautiful you really are.
Breathwork! Breathwork! Breathwork! Breathe in you, breathe in your purpose, breathe in love, breathe in beauty. Now, exhale hate, exhale what no longer serves you, exhale resistance, exhale fear. Be FIERCE, PASSIONATE, and ENCOURAGING to yourself and now appreciate that in others. Embrace their fierceness and passion; encourage it. Yeah, man! Woohoo! Bring it! Let’s Go!
Unapologetically be who you are. F**K everything else! Once you start doing this, everything falls into place. Things, situations, people, and scenarios start coming to you that bring you joy and to your life’s purpose. The Universe/God/Spirit, whatever you want to call it, LOVES you and wants you to have it all.
We are all born into abundance. It is within each of us. It is YOUR choice and your choice only if you choose to accept it. Nothing or no one blocks abundance for yourself other than you. So, accept it! Invite it in. Breathe into it. Feel it. Touch it. Know it. You are abundant! Everything you need will be provided to you if you allow it. Will you open yourself to you, to your breath, to love, to beauty, to abundance?”
(636) 333-4567
De Soto, MO
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